#requires -Version 5.0
#requires -Modules Cloudpaging
Initiates a sync of Cloudpager Workpods via the Cloudpager client.
Initiates a sync of Cloudpager Workpods via the Cloudpager client.
If the Cloudpager client is not installed, the script will return an error notifying the client is missing.
To successfully sync, the Cloudpager client must be installed on the machine.
Import-Module Cloudpaging
$ProgramFilesX86 =[Environment]::getfolderpath([environment+specialfolder]::ProgramFilesX86)
$CloudpagerExePath = Join-Path $ProgramFilesX86 "Numecent\Cloudpager\Cloudpager.exe"
$arg = " autodeploy"
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $CloudpagerExePath)) {
try {
Write-Error "The Cloudpager client is not installed on this device."
catch {
throw $_.Exception.Message
else {
$runsync = Start-Process $CloudpagerExePath -ArgumentList $arg -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
$excode = $runsync.ExitCode
if ($excode -eq '0') {
Write-Output "Completed"
else {
Write-Error "Failed"