Script library

Boost your management, troubleshooting and remediation capabilities with scripts created by experts in the IT community.

Showing 437 ControlUp scripts ordered by: Date
This script returns all Cloudpaging Containers available to a user inn a selected session.
Version: 1.2.10  |   Created: 2022-12-01  |   Modified: 2023-01-23  |   Creator: Rory Monaghan  |   Downloads: 5
This script returns cache details from machines including the cache storage location, the minimum size, maximum size and percentage of cache used.
Version: 2.0.6  |   Created: 2022-12-01  |   Modified: 2023-04-21  |   Creator: Rory Monaghan  |   Downloads: 3
This script will return the version of the Cloudpaging Player installed on the machine.
Version: 2.0.7  |   Created: 2022-12-01  |   Modified: 2023-04-21  |   Creator: Rory Monaghan  |   Downloads: 5
This script will initiate a sync from the Cloudpager client to the configured Cloudpager tenant and sync all Workpods the logged in user is entitled to.
Version: 2.0.5  |   Created: 2022-11-29  |   Modified: 2023-04-21  |   Creator: Rory Monaghan  |   Downloads: 4
Will show the state of accelerated networking on the network interfaces for a VM with the option to enable or disable it.
Not all VM sizes/SKUs support accelerated networking - an attempt to enable it where it is not supported witll result in an error.
Connectivity may be interrupted when the setting is changed.
Version: 1.0.3  |   Created: 2022-10-21  |   Modified: 2023-02-26  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 8
Exports users from active directory to a CSV for solve user import.
Users and groups must be comma separated, if one is not used please have '$null' in the field so it does not attempt to be processed.
A user account should contain the following data, otherwise it will not be exported: userprincipalname (UPN), givenname, sn (surname), mail (emaill address), samaccountname, distinguishedname
Builtin groups such as Domain Users are not supported
Version: 1.0.19  |   Created: 2022-10-11  |   Modified: 2022-10-30  |   Creator: Steve Schneider  |   Downloads: 520
Searches the given list of shares, or pulls them from the registry if * specified and the script is running on a machine with FSlogix installed, for .metadata files and extracts the name of the machine where the corresponding vhd/vhdx file is mounted along with other useful data about the disk.

The last boot time of the machine where the disk is mounted can be retrieved where if this is empty/missing it likely means that the user running the script does not have WMI/CIM permissions or that machine is not powered on.

Both profile and Office disks will be reported on.
Version: 2.0.12  |   Created: 2022-10-06  |   Modified: 2022-12-14  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 187
This script will test the connected virtual network of the machine, and validate if required outbound communication to use RDP Shortpath for public networks is open.
Version: 1.1.3  |   Created: 2022-10-05  |   Modified: 2022-10-06  |   Creator: Ton de Vreede  |   Downloads: 10
Finds Azure resources, either for the resource group the VM the script is run against resides in or all resource groups in the subscription, that are not currently attached to a parent resource.

Note that Citrix MCS machine catalogs may have resources which are not currently assigned but will be assigned when a VM is created in that catalog so should not be removed.

The information returned should be cross referenced & checked to another source, such as the Azure portal, before any resources are deleted just because they feature in the output of this script.
Version: 3.8.21  |   Created: 2022-09-17  |   Modified: 2024-02-25  |   Creator: Guy Leech  |   Downloads: 50
Gets the name, version and install path of all found Office 365 installations.
Version: 1.0.2  |   Created: 2022-09-15  |   Modified: 2022-09-15  |   Creator: Ton de Vreede  |   Downloads: 54
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